Happy Publiversary!

4 years + 27 books = my publiversary!!

Honestly, it's surreal that I've been publishing books for 4 years. At times, I still feel very new and small in the author world.

My writing journey began roughly 11 years ago. I was friends with lots of indie authors—when being an indie author was pretty new—shared lots of naughty pictures on my FB page (yes, I got in trouble), and wrote poetry inspired by eye-catching images I found online (before I understood copyright stuff).

In 2014, I started writing Depths Awakened in my spare time. It was originally steamier with a different storyline. I had a third of it written before I decided to go back to school (did you know I'm also a massage therapist?) and put it on the back burner. Shortly after I made a career change in 2016, I had time to write again.

The first developmental editor to touch my debut novel taught me a lot about writing. And after years of writing, I'm still learning. Like most things, it's a continual process.

I also learned writing has its challenges, but finding people to read your books is truly the hardest part.

Some authors say write what you know. Others say write what the readers want. Many say stay in your lane. And some say not to do things that upset readers because you won't make money.

As for me, I write the story in my head and heart.

I've never followed trends in life, why start now? 😂 I've never been the cool or popular kid. I'm just me—awkward, a touch off her rocker (okay, maybe more than a touch), and humble af.

Since starting this author gig, I've met so many incredible people and have gained the most wonderful friendships (authors & readers).

Cheers to 4 years, 27 books (28 next week), and more awkward posts in the future 🥂← sparkling apple cider


🌤️ ONE WEEK 🌤️


Friday = new Shattered Sun teaser!