Kobo Plus!

Happy Saturday, beautiful book friends ☀️ However you're spending your weekend, may it be as wonderful as you.


Need a new book to read or listen to this weekend?

My entire library, including the Transcendental audiobook, is available to read for free in Kobo Plus!

Persephone Autumn on Kobo Plus → https://bit.ly/PA_KoboPlus

What is Kobo Plus?

Kobo Plus is a reader subscription program offered by Kobo books. If you’ve heard of Kindle Unlimited on Amazon, it’s similar in nature. The only difference is the authors with books in Kobo Plus do not have to be exclusive to Kobo books; we’re able to put our books in the program and publish them on other retailers, so we can reach as man readers as possible with our stories.

Kobo Plus also has options for your monthly subscription as a reader—ebooks only, audiobooks only, or ebooks and audiobooks—for an unbeatable low price!

Check out the details here: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/plus




Shattered Sun Teaser